Next Match
Player  Team Position  Home Matches  Away Matches  Total Matches  Won  Lost  Matches Won (%)  Games Won  Games Lost  Games Won (%)  Current Points
Caitlin Carter - 0 0 1884
Joanne Ng Spare 0 0 1387
Lorraine Findlay 0 0 1329
Hannah Knight 1 0 0 1296
Helen Whitney 3 0 0 1288
Karen Mills 4 0 1 1 1 0 100 3 1 75 1162
Rina Borromeo 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 1127
Caroline Watchurst 4 0 0 917
Louise Parsons Spare 0 0 894
Annette Caseley Chapman 0 0 870
Wendy Levin Spare 0 0 858
Florie Smith 2 0 0 856
Anna Drummond 4 0 0 842
Bryony Paczy-Smith Spare 0 0 785
Lucy Horncastle Spare 0 0 774
Nadine El-Refee 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 3 40 737
Laura Rakos Spare 0 0 617
Georgina Brown Captain 4 0 1 1 1 0 100 3 2 60 609
Sharon Virdi 0 0 604
Jasmine Horncastle Spare 0 0 601
Lucy Johnson Spare 0 0 601
Sara Vats Spare 0 0 574
Sachi Vats Spare 0 0 511
Date Opponents Location Time Result
Tue 8 Oct 2024 Cumberland Ladies 1 Away Cumberland and Hampstead Squash Club 7:00pm 8 - 14 Lost
Mon 14 Oct 2024 - BYE 12:00am
Mon 28 Oct 2024 CM RINGERS 1 Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Thu 7 Nov 2024 Actonian Ladies Away Old Actonians Association Sports Club 7:15pm
Thu 21 Nov 2024 Charing Cross Ladies Away Charing Cross Sports Club 6:45pm
Mon 25 Nov 2024 Oakleigh Park Ladies 1 Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Mon 9 Dec 2024 CM RINGERS 2 Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Mon 6 Jan 2025 Cumberland Ladies 1 Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Mon 20 Jan 2025 - BYE 7:15pm
Mon 3 Feb 2025 CM RINGERS 1 Away London School of Economics 7:00pm
Mon 10 Feb 2025 Actonian Ladies Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Mon 24 Feb 2025 Charing Cross Ladies Home Coolhurst Squash 7:15pm
Mon 3 Mar 2025 Oakleigh Park Ladies 1 Away Oakleigh Park Lawn Tennis & Squash Club 7:30pm
Thu 20 Mar 2025 CM RINGERS 2 Away London School of Economics 7:00pm








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